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Derby #216: Household Chores

Hey, this Derby's over. When you're finished reliving past glories, check out what's going on in the Derby right now. It's probably even cooler. Or at least newer.

They're an unfortunate fact of life, a mild inconvenience you become vaguely aware of as a child that, like an undiagnosed cancer, grows into an ever-expanding ball of non-fun as you reach adulthood. Chores blow; there's no way around it. This week, we want you to explore that blow-itude with your best designs inspired by household chores. Maybe you'll depict the stoic commitment required to keep the world from spinning out of control if the laundry doesn't get done, maybe you'll have a fanciful invention for avoiding chores altogether, or maybe you'll draw up some snide picture rubbing it in all our faces that you had some of those lily-livered parents who never actually made you do anything. We're already expecting plenty of penguins/kittens/squirrels running a vacuum or whatever, but go nuts! Within these rules, of course:
