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Derby #159: Road Trip!

Hey, this Derby's over. When you're finished reliving past glories, check out what's going on in the Derby right now. It's probably even cooler. Or at least newer.

We're still recovering from our own cross-country drive, and it's an American tradition to take to the highways when the weather is hot. There are giant balls of yarn to see and Stuckey's Pecan Logs to eat and games of license plate bingo to play! This week, show us how you hit the open road with your take on road trips: the cramped car, the greasy food, and the "natural" wonders just 14 miles from the next exit. It could be an "all aboard" kind of excitement, or it could illustrate the crushing ennui of sitting in a cramped station wagon (we didn't have "crossover vehicles" when WE were kids, dagnabit) waiting four and a half hours for the next pit stop. Of course you've still got to observe the rules of the proverbial road:

No video games.

No Star Wars.

No bunnies.

Incidental text only. If somebody's holding a map, fine. But no reports on the best road trip you and your family took to Elko.

No purple.
A totally random rule from a totally random Woot staffer totally randomly-named Aliki.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Some Woot staffers are moving, or preparing to move, over the next several days, so all submissions must include print-ready artwork. Don't email it in later, or neglect to submit it entirely. We need print-ready artwork along with your submission.
