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Derby #86: TV Show Titles Re-Interpreted

Hey, this Derby's over. When you're finished reliving past glories, check out what's going on in the Derby right now. It's probably even cooler. Or at least newer.

We did it with song lyrics. We did it with movie titles. We even did it with book titles, although many of you didn't notice. Now turn your Bezier tools toward the boob tube for inspiration. Flip through your collection of TV Guides and visually depict, reinterpret, misinterpret, or remix the name of a TV show. As always, avoid copyright infringement, and keep it PG-13.

As in the past, your entry should be called something like "Inspired By Desperate Housewives." But without the Desperate Housewives part, and including the name of your chosen show. Which might be Desperate Housewives. But we've said enough.

Except for this: no text this week.
