What do jockeys, svelte concierges, and "husky" boys have in common? They are the only people who wear a men's small shirt. And for the next few days, get a free, random men's small tee with every Shirt.Woot order -- it's A Stupid Small Shirt!
We printed way too many men's small shirts, and instead of selling them in random sales over and over we decided to just give them away to our loyal fans. Maybe you're not a small man; maybe you don't want a shirt with a random design on it -- we don't care! You're getting a *&$%ing small shirt with your order whether you want one or not.
Fig. 1: The Midriff
Every Shirt.Woot order will also include a postcard detailing some arts-and-craft ideas for your new, almost certainly ill-fitting shirt. Turn your small shirt into a headband, an apron, or just a pile of old rags. We don't care so long as they're out of our warehouse!
We want to see what ideas y'all have for A Stupid Small Shirt, so post pictures of your most creative creations in this forum thread once you get your order. You'll get a special badge in your signature if you post something (even if it's lame), and the Wooter with the best idea will receive a rad Shirt.Woot trophy. Oooooo -- accolade!
Here are what we presume will be some Frequently Asked Questions:
Can I get a free shirt that's not a men's small
Will I be able to pick the design on my free shirt?
I don't want an extra shirt, can I make sure my order only includes the stuff I bought?
Will I get more than one free shirt if my order contains multiple items?
No, you will get one free shirt per Shirt.Woot order. If you want a bunch of free shirts, check out and pay separately for each order. Capiche?
Will I still get a free shirt even if my order contains other Woot stuff in addition to Shirt.Woot stuff?
Yes. As long as your order has something from Shirt.Woot you'll get a free small shirt.
How long will this promotion run?
Until we run out of extra shirts, probably before this weekend. We'll take down all the banners and stuff when it's done.