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Derby #429: Southeast States

by wootbot

Our weekend derby is Southern fried. This week you'll be designing a tee for one (or more) of the Southeast states. Since all things are relative, let's say for the purpose of this Derby that the Southeastern States are:

Virginia, West Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Kentucky, Tennessee, Arkansas, Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, Florida

We're hoping to get at LEAST one tee for every state. Ideally several. Here are a few rules:

  • You can design a tee for the state or a city within that state.
  • Be mindful that some well known landmarks are privately owned (the Space Needle, the Chrysler Building, etc.) and may be rejection fodder. 
  • Don't use the state's actual slogans.
  • No Creme tees. 
  • Remember we'll keep our finger on the rejectionator for material that may be inflammatory or offensive

The top three vote-getters will get $200 and will appear alongside a selection of honorable mention prints on 4/13 and will ALSO likely be featured around a particularly patriotic event this summer... 

Bonus Preview: Derby #430: Dates and Times. They are historically significant and signify the beginning or end of things. No creme tees. Launches on Monday, April 6th. The top 3 vote-getters receive $1000 and are printed the weekend of 4/10-4/12, with honorable mentions running in the 4/13 honorable mention plus sale.