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Nice Shirt: Another Bye Week!

by Kristy Tye

Hey dudes! I was on vacation for way too long, and Ocho's mom and pops are in town so we decided to skip this week. But here's a chance to tell us how we're doing!

So, uh, how are we doing? 
What kinda stuff do you want us to talk about?
What do you want to see happen on the site?
How are we doing in general? 
Now that AA's available is everything kewl? (Let's ignore our sporadic sizing outages...) 
What are you up to this weekend?

We'll have a new track out next week for sure, we just want to make sure we're covering some things you wanna listen to! If instead you just want our lilting voices in your day to day life, be reassured- we will be back to fulfill your weirdo desires!