Did you see the words we just wrote? American Apparel is back. Birds are singing. Children are laughing. Voles are doing whatever voles do when they’re happy. Everything has fallen into place at last. OR HAS IT??
It has. Still, you might be thinking, "Hey, Shirt.Woot lackey, apart from the price, what are some key differences between your house brand and AA?" To help you make an informed buying decision between the two brands we're now offering, we're going to post this handy chart which will allow us to take a break from typing for a minute.![](https://d3gqasl9vmjfd8.cloudfront.net/5ecd4e6c-65c8-45ee-b402-6fcb2c45c1ac.png)
...ok we're back. In addition to the stuff about cotton, country of origin and fit, we want you to know that AA and our standard brand vary in sizing ... considerably. Rather than unleashing a load of adjectives to describe the differences in size, we'll furnish you with additional visual guides, thereby giving us another moment to pause and take a bite of our burrito. Behold, the illustrated differences between a selection of women's sizes (click the image to enlarge):
Man that's a good burrito. Don't worry fellas, we didn't forget about you. Let your eyeballs get up on this (again, click to enlarge):
We will be adding more images to this guide soon. But we wanted to provide this info as a starting point. For specific measurements, you can always consult the sizing chart in the features section of our shirt sale pages.
We're thrilled to offer AA again. We know it is important to many of you - and if it's important to you, it's important to us. Thanks for being so spirited about what happens on our site. Our passionate customer base is the very thing that makes Shirt.Woot truly special.
Now fork over that dough.