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Derby #204 (I ❤ Books!): Honorable Mentions

by Randall Cleveland

Our celebration of literary pageantry produced some best sellers, metaphorically we mean, because apparently the New York Times takes issue with us trying to load up their best seller list with t-shirts. Anyway, if the winners were the bright, shiny, "New Fiction" shelf that's always so prominent, these Editors' picks are the gems hidden among the lesser-picked-over back shelves. Enjoy!

UPDATE: Our editors' all-seeing eyes must've missed one while they were seeing other things, so we have one late addition to the HM list!


ghost stories!

by rogerrogerroger



I Love Books

by skirochester

Books only do that when you've dropped 'em in the toilet. Don't ask how we know that.



by Naolito

Somewhere are countless high school notebooks of mine with the margins filled to the brim with doodles of tornadoes, fanged mouths, and Spiderman's head.


The Real Treasure

by walmazan

We know some corporate overlords who might want to look at this next time they're re-branding.


Reading Rocket Ship

by qetza

Just too good to leave off.


Illiterate rainbow

by tjost

They never took the time to read because they could get twice as high.


Literary fail

by ApeLad

An internet meme? On a t-shirt? That'll never work.


You Are What You Eat

by littleclyde

So books are words basted in the blood of the innocent?


The End

by ISO30

Psh. One word: CONTACTS.


A Grimm Tale

by marzipanapple

Those Richard Scarry books have taken a weird turn recently.


Undersea Stories

by limonmix



too much reading will damage your vision

by chunkydesign

Nice try, Comcast.



That's it for this week's picks! We'll put these guys back on the shelf until it's time to check them out for the Double-Take Derby. Until then, head on over to the Derby page and check out what designs are coming up next. Now go read a book!