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by Sean Adams


We looked at how we do things, and we came to the conclusion that the old way of dealing with Honorable Mentions - posting them to the blog, then doing a Double-Take Derby, then having an Honorable Mentions plus sale - is pretty dumb. We want to follow up with great designs IMMEDIATELY, and that means putting 10-12 Honorable Mentions up for sale as soon as possible after a derby is over! For some perspective: In the past we've run around 200 Honorable Mention designs in a year. With this new setup, we'll add more than 500.

It'll work like this: if your design is chosen as an Honorable Mention, we'll put it up for sale on the MONDAY after the derby. Is it as sexy an offer as we give to the First, Second or Third place derby winners or the daily shirts artists that run during the week? No, but it gives you more chances to get more shirts out there in front of our customers. So we changed the derby contract (link here).

And that's what this is really all about for us: putting up more great designs by more artists. Different people have different sensibilities; the more we work to expand and diversify our design library, the more we strengthen and yep you guessed it diversify the Shirt.Woot community. 

Like always, though, we want to hear what you guys have to say. If you see glaring problems that we missed (or potential upsides we didn't mention here) feel free to post about them in the comments. We're going to try this out for a bit, but it is a work-in-progress, so we're open to tweaking things (and providing full disclosure) as we go.