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The Strange Seasonal Story of Krampus Eggs

by Laura Duncan

You probably don’t think much about the mating habits of Krampi, do you? That’s for the best, because it’s all disgusting. We’ll spare you the gritty details, but let’s just say you’re gonna wanna break out the Purell. ANYWAY, once the horror is over, the Krampus is full of eggs. Laden. Heavy with eggs. This year, he has carefully left them in strategic clumps all over Shirt.Woot.

The Krampus eggs do not, as you might initially think, contain tiny vile wet baby Krampi. Instead, they contain really cool stuff for super cheap. Canvas prints. Hoodies. Nifty new products. Maybe a little thing that rhymes with “clayspation bloor.” All at prices that will make your tinsel tinkle. We don’t know what that means.

Wanna snag a Krampus egg? You’ve gotta keep your eyes peeled! Check this blog post every day at noon CT for a series of cryptic clues left behind by Krampus. Once you’ve seen the clue, it’s up to you to find the Krampus egg! It could be in the Shirt.Woot catalog, the Top 20 designs, the Derby entries, or other little corners of the site. It’s a massive nearly-month-long scavenger hunt for fantastic impulse buys that you can give to others or keep for yourself.

We’ll update the aforementioned blog post with deets about the previous day's eggs so you can see what everyday folks JUST LIKE YOURSELF are getting from this completely distracting holiday campaign.

Krampus has already deposited some eggs in a few spots, so check the clues and start searchin’! Let the scramble for Krampus eggs commence!