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Derby #15: Time Travel Souvenirs

Hey, this Derby's over. When you're finished reliving past glories, check out what's going on in the Derby right now. It's probably even cooler. Or at least newer.

Derby #15: Time Travel Souvenirs

When somebody finally figures out the whole time-travel thing and offers mass tourism to different eras, there'll be a lot of money to be made from the accoutrements of tourism. And anybody who's ever taken a trip anywhere can attest that t-shirts are the most omnipresent such accoutrement. Why not get a jump now on creating the time-travel souvenirs of tomorrow - and yesterday? Create a souvenir t-shirt from the past or future. And keep in mind that in the future, you'll probably be able to go to space. But we're imposing two restrictions on you this week: one, no designs involving the phrase "and all I got was this lousy" or something similar; and two, stay far, far away from copyrighted images, concepts, etc. Otherwise, past and future are your playground.
