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Derby #532: Practical Jokes & Jokes That Are Practical.

Hey, this Derby's over. When you're finished reliving past glories, check out what's going on in the Derby right now. It's probably even cooler. Or at least newer.

Practical Jokes & Jokes That Are Practical. Ok, tricksters: Show us a classic joke illustrated or a mashup in which a character totally pulls one over on a character from a completely different fictional universe! Yay mashups! Maybe bone up on your old episodes of Punk'd or whatever the new equivalent is. It's probably terrible. Actually, don't watch any of that stuff. Watch the April Fool's episode of The Simpsons. That's a better use of your time. No cream tees, if you're still reading this. 

Submit to this Derby

The Practical Jokes Derby ends on Thursday at noon. 1st - 3rd will be featured Friday - Sunday. Select designs will be included in a sale that starts after the weekend.

Next Derby Preview: SKATE! Create a design with that "'90s skateboard tee" feel. Ah, memories. 
