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Derby #577: How it's Made

Hey, this Derby's over. When you're finished reliving past glories, check out what's going on in the Derby right now. It's probably even cooler. Or at least newer.

Derby #577 Show us how a thing of your choice is made.  It doesn't have to be how it's ACTUALLY made, that would probably be boring.  It also doesn't have to be a step-by-step diagram, though it totally can be. It also can be cats.  No cream tees.  

Please email your art file when you submit your entry so we get it and you can get paid! $$$$$$$$ ok done. 


The How it's Made Derby ends NEXT THURSDAY at noon. The 1st - 3rd will be featured Friday - Sunday. Select designs will be included in a sale that starts after the weekend of winners.

Next week's Derby preview - Retro Gaming:  I love video games so let's make some designs that evoke a retro-gaming style.  These can be pixel art, the art on the box that looked nothing like the actual game, or something else that looks like it had something to do with video gaming in the 90's or earlier.  Keep in mind that these don't have to reference any existing game, though they can if you want.  No creme tees. No Super Mario Bros.
