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Derby #592: Celebri-Tee Lifestyle

Hey, this Derby's over. When you're finished reliving past glories, check out what's going on in the Derby right now. It's probably even cooler. Or at least newer.

Celebri-Tee Lifestyle-

Roll out the red carpets! As an hommage to the recent awards season, this week’s derby is a celebration of the lifestyles of the rich and famous. Be clever. Be brave! Be bold! But above all, avoid actual celebrity likenesses (are you TRYING to get us sued?). Remember, only plebeians submit cream tees. ​   

Please email your art file when you submit your entry so we get it and you can get paid! $$$$$$$$ ok done. 

This Derby ends NEXT THURSDAY at noon. The 1st, 2nd, & 3rd place designs will be featured Friday - Sunday. Select designs will be included in a sale that starts after the weekend of winners.


Next week's Derby preview - Let There Be ART! 

Man (and woman) shall not live by cute or quirky designs alone. Thus, next week’s derby will eschew all that is adorable or punny, in favor of that which is artistically awesome and on fleek (did we use that right?). 

Design DOs include things that are: Classy. Artistic. Thought-provoking. Humorous. Or not. Cool. Graphic or Typographic.

Design DON’Ts involve: Derivative works (no Starry Nights, folks). Cats. Cream tees.
