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Derby #141: Classic Comics Style

Hey, this Derby's over. When you're finished reliving past glories, check out what's going on in the Derby right now. It's probably even cooler. Or at least newer.

Ah, the Golden and Silver Ages of comics, from the birth of the form up through the 1960s, when comics were still fledgling and new. Heroes battled monsters from space instead of their own inner demons, "sorcery" had yet to be replaced by "genetic mutation," and Jean Grey had only died, like, five times. Take us back to the good ol' days with a design in the style of comics, comic books, or even cartoons back then: think fat half-tones, huge bold outlines, and flat colors. Don't worry about telling a cohesive story or coming up with panels; just give us a scene in that grand old scheme. Think more "Action Comics #1" and less "Family Circus." Of course, this should be a loving homage, not a recreation, so keep in mind that no copyrighted imagery is allowed. Some other rules still apply:

No text, other than onomatopoeia. "BIFF!" or "POW!" or "THWUCK!" are totally cool. "Stand aside, citizen, while I use my telepathic powers to subdue the interloper!" is not.

No video game references.

No bunnies. Seriously. Maybe forever.

No anime/chibi/kawaii/graphic novel/computer-generated/painted-looking images. It's gotta look legitimately classic enough to make Stan Lee want to take credit for it.
