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Derby #183: The Stars

Hey, this Derby's over. When you're finished reliving past glories, check out what's going on in the Derby right now. It's probably even cooler. Or at least newer.

Remember that part in Dances with Wolves where Kicking Bird asks John Dunbar how many more white people are coming, and he looks up and says, "Like the stars?" That's not really relevant to this week's Derby theme, but the title made us think of it. Anyway, this week we want you to cast your gaze upward and give us your best star-inspired shirts. Maybe using either Astronomy, Astrology, or some heretical mish-mash thereof for your jumping off point. Now for the rules:

No video games.

No references to tales of any wars long ago or far away among the aforementioned stars.

No bunnies.
And people always seem to dance around it, no kittens or penguins either.

No text.
