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Derby #261: The Internet Through Art History

Hey, this Derby's over. When you're finished reliving past glories, check out what's going on in the Derby right now. It's probably even cooler. Or at least newer.

Art. It's given us a lot of great stuff. All kinds of art styles exist today, born of human creativity and expression. Then there's the Internet. It's also given us a lot of stuff, some of it absolutely horrible but we won't get into that. Never before has our species been so interconnected and informed. So this week, show us the best moments in Internet history using a historical art style. Maybe it's an Abstract AOL CD, maybe it's Cubist QWOP, or maybe it's just a Surrealist interpretation of what the hell those modem sounds were.

​What?! Shirt.Woot is evolving!!! 
Changes are afoot in ye olde Derby. Stay tuned to see what happens next, and feel free to post your best guess!
