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Derby #120: Double-Take Derby 7

Hey, this Derby's over. When you're finished reliving past glories, check out what's going on in the Derby right now. It's probably even cooler. Or at least newer.

Return with us now to those thrilling days of yester-Derby, when we indulge our what-ifs and what-might-have-beens. That's right: time for another Double-Take Derby, when the Honorable Mentions from past weeks vie for another shot at your heart. This week, take your pick of our unsung favorites from Derbies #105 and #107-118. Redemption is afoot!

Designers: if you sold or submitted your Honorable Mention design elsewhere, or opted out of including your design in the Double-Take Derby, email us at by noon tomorrow and let us know. Any design found for sale, having sold, or submitted to another site for voting will not be eligible for the Double-Take Derby and will be removed from consideration.

Usually, we announce the next Derby here, to give you an extra week to work on it. But the awesome thing we were working on hasn't quite worked out yet. Watch for it...
