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Derby #169: Phobias

Hey, this Derby's over. When you're finished reliving past glories, check out what's going on in the Derby right now. It's probably even cooler. Or at least newer.

Let's hear it for irrational, intense, persistent, debilitating fear! Imagine how much less colorful the psychological literature would be without those poor oddballs who are terrified of flowers, or swallowing, or the number 4. This week, show us a depiction of your favorite phobia or phobias, whether "real" or imaginary. Don't be afraid to draw on your own life. Are you a taphophobe? A scopophobe? A gymnophobe? Stop worrying so much about being buried alive, or being stared at, or being naked, and turn that terror into t-shirt fame and fortune.

We know "fear" and "Halloween" are two concepts that overlap quite a bit. But our Halloween Derby was last week. We're not looking for Halloween shirts this week.

No video games.

No Star Wars.

Incidental text only.

No hippopotami. A totally random rule from a totally random Woot staffer totally randomly named Jason.
