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Derby #17: Consumerism

Hey, this Derby's over. When you're finished reliving past glories, check out what's going on in the Derby right now. It's probably even cooler. Or at least newer.

Derby #17: Consumerism

Technically, we're all consumers, since we all eat and most of us wear clothes. But consumerism is something more than acquiring basic needs - it's the creation of new "needs", the search for personal identity in mass-market products, the perception of value in labels and brands. Is consumerism just an extension of the way people have been buying and selling since the dawn of time, or a modern contrivance whose power is not to be trusted?  As you can imagine, we know a thing or two about selling people stuff they don't strictly need.  Now we want to see (and wear) your graphic commentary on the idea of consumerism.

And since you children keep abusing your toys, we're taking them away: no pirates, zombies, ninjas, monkeys, apes, squids, or robots this week. This contest is not about who can come up with the sneakiest way to shoehorn one of those memes into the weekly theme. So we're putting them up in the cupboard where you can't reach them. You can have them back later, if you can be good. Attempts to get cute with the terms above ("but this a corsair, not a pirate!") will count as "not being good".
