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Derby #173: Build Your Own Robot

Hey, this Derby's over. When you're finished reliving past glories, check out what's going on in the Derby right now. It's probably even cooler. Or at least newer.

From the clanky mechanical men of the Industrial Age to the squishy sexy-droids of tomorrow, robots have lurched their way into our collective heart. There's just something about a thinking, feeling, humanoid machine that seizes our imagination in its brute metallic grip. Robots, cyborgs, androids, whatever: this week, your design should fuse man and machine into a t-shirt design fit for a 'bot.

No pop-culture robots. Original designs only. Don't even bother asking if this ban includes that one robot from that one movie or comic book or video game. It does.

Incidental text only. Your design can incorporate text but if it's reliant on text to make its point, it will get the axe.
