Derby #180: Complementary Colors
Hey, this Derby's over. When you're finished reliving past glories, check out what's going on in the Derby right now. It's probably even cooler. Or at least newer.
Some things just GO together, y'know? PB & J, Bert & Ernie, and New Year's Day and 4,000 college bowl games no one cares about and will continue to refuse to care about until they get off their stupid corporate welfare and implement a playoff system. Oh and colors. Complementary colors. So for this week your design must be made of two colors paired up in the list below. Before you freak out: no, the shirt color doesn't count. So yes, Mr. Smarty Pants cracking your knuckles in the forums, technically it could be a three color Derby And we don't care, because we make the rules up as we go, so get over it. Now for the rules:
- Your design MUST be comprised of ONE of the following color combinations: blue & orange, yellow & violet, or red & green. No black & white, Mr. I'll Just Make It Look Classy.
- No video games.
- No Star Wars.
- No text.
- You MUST use two ink colors, and ONLY two ink colors. It can be a shade of blue and a shade of orange, though. Don't sweat trying to perfectly match the standard "blue."
- Yes, your shirt can be a third color.
And of course, our still-possibly-new-to-a-few-people art guidelines for all submissions from here on out:
- If you're using Photoshop, make certain that your halftones are at least 30 LPI for a full-size design at 300 DPI.
- If you're using Illustrator, please submit your final art with gradients. We'll create the halftones on our end.
- Each dot that makes up your halftone must be one solid color.