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Derby #194: Science Fair

Hey, this Derby's over. When you're finished reliving past glories, check out what's going on in the Derby right now. It's probably even cooler. Or at least newer.

Let us harken back for a second to a simpler time. A time of elementary school, potatoes on toothpicks in styrofoam cups full of water, vinegar/baking soda volcanoes, and cooking hot dogs using solar power. This week we want to see designs carrying on the tradition of middle school science with your depictions of the theories explored, science fair experiments themselves, or maybe just the chemical or physical processes involved. Remember the theme is based on a right of passage for middle school though, so leave your complex explanations of String Theory and Higgs boson detection at home. Keep it at a level you would expect walking into a grade school gym to judge a kid's experiment. Of course the Scientific Method is all about following the rules and so are we:

No video games or Star Wars.
Incidental text only.
If you need to show a chemical symbol or mathematical formula, fine. But you can't have a text-centric design.
No anthropomorphic animals. Animals in experiments are okay so long as they're acting like animals.
