Derby #200: The Silver Screen
Hey, this Derby's over. When you're finished reliving past glories, check out what's going on in the Derby right now. It's probably even cooler. Or at least newer.

It's our 200th Derby, everybody! And in case you haven't heard the news yet, we're celebrating by rolling out TWO brand new shirt colors for designers to use! To commemorate the occasion we wanted a classic, timeless sort of theme. Then it came to us: the silver screen! Named in part for the types of projection screens used at the time, we're using it to recall classic, PRE-1960 cinema: think Humphrey Bogart, Doris Day, Cary Grant, Katharine Hepburn, Clark Gable, Elizabeth Taylor before all the marriages, and Paul Newman before all the salad dressing. Take it back to a time when movies were EVENTS to get dressed up for, as opposed to places to kill two hours just to soak up some air conditioning in the mall. And of course, feel free to use our new shirt colors Silver and Slate! Now for your rules:
- No video games.
- No celebrity likenesses. And if you decide to "parody" a known film, you dance a dance of danger with the Rejectionator. No whining if it decides you're too close for comfort.
- Incidental text only. Like, say, some chalk on a slate clapping off the scene number.
- Your design must be a classic (and we're calling "classic" pre-1960) movie element. No whiz bang special effects. Think Maltese Falcon-style film noir, swashbucklers, songbird starlets, going to the drive-in, old movie projectors or maybe behind-the-scenes looks at the movie business.