Derby #322: Kawaii
Hey, this Derby's over. When you're finished reliving past glories, check out what's going on in the Derby right now. It's probably even cooler. Or at least newer.
Vote in this week's Kawaii Derby and you might win a cute-as-hell prize! (Enter by voting at least once. Multiple votes do not increase your chances)
- One random voter will nab a Nintendo 3DS and Animal Crossing -- New Leaf ⺌∅‿∅⺌
- Someone else will get Animal Crossing – New Leaf and an Animal Crossing Plushie Set ⺌∅‿∅⺌
- And one voter will get the Plushie Set ⺌∅‿∅⺌
Kawaii ain't just a Sandwich Island, it's also the Japanese word (and concept) of "Cuteness," and it pervades every nook and cranny of that place. Not that some of us stateside don't share a similar proclivity cuteness, as a stroll through certain corners of the Shirt.Woot catalog evinces.
Crank your Illustrator tools to maximum squee this week (pro tip: make the eyes squinty and adorable) and batter us with a barrage of cuteness. WE'RE READY. HIT US AS HARD AS YOU CAN.
No crème (you like that accent?)