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Derby #562: Crests, Insignias and Seals

Hey, this Derby's over. When you're finished reliving past glories, check out what's going on in the Derby right now. It's probably even cooler. Or at least newer.

Crests, Insignias, and Seals: Create a tee that is the official mark of a group, person, place, society…you get the idea. It can be based on a stoic family motto or funny because the fake entity is so darn ridiculous. Glow & metallic ink is OK, but keep in mind that limits the design's availability in the catalog. $$ :C No cream tees, buddy.

Please email your art file when you submit your entry - so we get it and you can get paid! $$$$$$$$ ok done. 

The Crests, Insignias & Seals Derby ends NEXT THURSDAY at noon. The 1st - 3rd will be featured Friday - Sunday. Select designs will be included in a sale that starts after the weekend of winners.

Next Derby Preview: Texts of the Public Domain - Design a tee using work from public domain. A list of public domain texts is here or here.  No clip art from public domain. No cream cheese.
