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Derby #661: Movie Mash-ups!

Hey, this Derby's over. When you're finished reliving past glories, check out what's going on in the Derby right now. It's probably even cooler. Or at least newer.

Derby #661: Movie Mash-ups!

Ever wondered what would happen if you cross-pollinated Pulp Fiction with The Sound of Music? Or mixed up Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon with Gone With The Wind? Neither have we. But with this week’s Movie Mash-up Derby, now you can! Be creative! Be original! Blow our minds! Just leave cream tees and cats out of it (unless they’re somehow central characters in the movies you pick).   


Please email your art file to

This Derby ends NEXT THURSDAY at noon. The 1st, 2nd, & 3rd place designs will be featured Friday - Sunday. Select designs will also be included in a sale that starts after the Weekend of Winners.


Next week's Derby preview: Tribes! - Humans are social. We have an innate desire to “belong” (even us introverts who prefer to “belong” from a distance). So next week’s derby is a celebration of belonging; of expressing (or confessing) loud and proud all the different tribes or groups we can belong to. So bring on the Band Nerds, the Gamers, the Couch Potatoes, the People-who-don’t-like-star-wars-but-are-too-afraid-to-admit-it, and submit your very best “tribe” designs. Just leave politics, the cultural appropriation of actual tribes, and cream tees out of it.  
