Derby #177: I Love The Arctic
Hey, this Derby's over. When you're finished reliving past glories, check out what's going on in the Derby right now. It's probably even cooler. Or at least newer.

It's been 50 years since the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge became a federally-protected area, which is great and everything, but ask any moose and they'll tell you: it hasn't been enough. Polar bears can't vote and caribou can't sign petitions, so the Arctic Refuge and the Arctic in general could use a little help from us humans. That's why our pals at The Sierra Club have launched Arctic Love, a site celebrating the Refuge's 50th anniversary. You can check out videos of the Refuge, sign up to host an Arctic house party, and sign a virtual birthday card asking the President to designate the Refuge a National Monument.
So to get the word out we're asking you to design a shirt that shows what you love most about the Arctic. Maybe it's the pristine austerity of unbroken snow, the amazing wildlife that exists at temperatures we invented thermostats to avoid, or the ruggedness of the land that calls back to a more primitive time. Show us already! The Sierra Club will be kicking in special gift bags for winners, too! Now for the rules:
- No copyrighted images. Obviously, but we figured we'd mention that just because Sierra Club's down with our Derby doesn't mean you get to use their stuff.
- No Star Wars.
No video games.
- No penguins. They don't even live up there.