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Derby #107: Bags

Hey, this Derby's over. When you're finished reliving past glories, check out what's going on in the Derby right now. It's probably even cooler. Or at least newer.

Don’t get us wrong, we love our Shirt.Woot shipping bag. But we have needs. Needs that might be better met in an open-bag relationship. Could you be one of those special someones who designs the shirt package of our dreams? Could this be the chance to realize your commercial package design dreams? Well, let’s both of us stop dreaming, because there’s some weird stuff you gotta keep in mind for this one.

Pay close attention to the Terms & Conditions when submitting: they are different this time. We will own your winning design forever. If that turns you off, don't submit.

No text except for our exclamation-point-in-a-circle logo. This ban applies even to the words Shirt.Woot. Our exclamation-point logo should be the only text in your design.

All those rules for a work of art that will be thrown away by everybody who gets it? That’s commerce for you.

EDIT: when we referred to "our exclamation-point mark" or "exclamation-point logo", we meant the exclamation point inside the circle, exactly as it's presented in the included templates. This is absolutely non-negotiable. Sorry for any confusion, but we did say not to alter the mark, and deleting the enclosing circle is clearly an alteration.
