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Derby # 167: Meme Mashup!

Hey, this Derby's over. When you're finished reliving past glories, check out what's going on in the Derby right now. It's probably even cooler. Or at least newer.

The uncontrollable, unstoppable dumbing down of humanity has caused a pretty severe drop-off in the quality of culture we're turning out lately. These days all you have to do is put something on YouTube and wait for someone else to Auto-Tune it and you're a pop art genius. Take a random photo and add a caption so pathetically misspelled it would give most grammar enthusiasts an aneurysm and you're a blog sensation. Photoshop a sullen celebrity into random scenes and watch the lulz ensue!

But if one meme means instant pop culture smash hit, then surely THREE would be even better, right? This week, show us your best meme mash-up using no fewer than three (3) well-known memes from across the internet to make a commentary on the state of pop culture. In other words, don't just slap Sad Keanu on a shirt. Make sure it's a Sad Keanu that says something about our society. We're dancing along a tripwire, so don't spend a ton of time on your parody/celebrity likeness design unless you're willing to face a fickle-feeling ban hammer. Pay extra attention to the rules this week:

Keep it classy. Remember the usual rules about obscenity, religion-bashing, hate-speech, and the like.

No photos, tracing, or image appropriation. Draw it yourself, or don't use it.

You must use no fewer than three memes. Feel free to use more than that if you think it works. Check Know Your Meme for a pretty comprehensive list.

No extraneous text. If your chosen meme has an essential text element (like the "Very Erotic Very Violent" meme), you can use it. No dialogue or exposition, though.

No more wire hangers. A totally random rule from a totally random Woot staffer totally-randomly named Pilot. (Who just totally-randomly had a baby. Say congrats!)

Since we're all woefully out of touch curmudgeons, you'll have to list your memes in your entry. Don't link to them if they're NSFW. Just tell us the memes you're referencing.
