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Derby #144: How Do They Work?

Hey, this Derby's over. When you're finished reliving past glories, check out what's going on in the Derby right now. It's probably even cooler. Or at least newer.

You know, those murderous rapping clowns and their NSFW-due-to-naughty-language music video got us thinking, too. How DO magnets work? Or for that matter, what about nuclear power plants? Anyone going to go over toaster ovens with us? For this derby we want you to show us how things work OR, in the event of your not knowing exactly, how you THINK they work. We'd certainly appreciate a graphic detailing the processes involved in launching the space shuttle, but a shirt explaining that our garbage disposal is just a pit full of hungry badgers would work just fine, too. If you need inspiration or information as to how some things actually work, David Macaulay is a good place to start. Now, for the rules:

No video games.

No Star Wars.

Use minimal text. We don't want to deny the comedy potential in labeling your diagrams, but we don't want a shirt with your senior thesis on microwave radiation, either.

No earthworms. A totally random rule from a totally random Woot staffer totally randomly-named Melinda.
