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Derby #164: Prehistoric Art

Hey, this Derby's over. When you're finished reliving past glories, check out what's going on in the Derby right now. It's probably even cooler. Or at least newer.

Before literature, before oils on canvas and before t-shirts there was art. Prehistoric art, to be precise. Cave paintings, primitive sculptures, megaliths, rock art and pottery all remain today as testament to human creativity and its prevalence in our lives. Since we started walking on two legs to see over tall grass we've been straining to communicate what we see, how it makes us feel, and what we wish we saw through artistic creation. So for this week get all Paleolithic with your designs and show us what you would've come up with if you had been born into an age other than "internet."

No video games.

No Star Wars.

No modern text.
Hieroglyphs (legit or of your own creation) are allowed.

No peas. A totally random rule from a totally random Woot staffer totally randomly-named Stephanie.
