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Derby Contest #685: New Year, New _____!

Hey, this Derby's over. When you're finished reliving past glories, check out what's going on in the Derby right now. It's probably even cooler. Or at least newer.

Derby Contest #685: New Year, New ____!

You get to fill in the blank! We are looking for what’s next on the horizon, what’s coming in the new year? What are you inspired to do, or see or not do?! The possibilities are endless, but the time is not so what are you still doing reading this This is not a Happy New Year’s theme, but you may want to parade around in your new shirt for New Year's, so get to voting! 

The Derby ends each THURSDAY at noon, CST. The three designs that receive the most votes will be featured as the Daily offers Friday - Sunday. Great designs that don't win may be included in an Editor's Choice sale each Monday, so be sure to check back and see who makes the cut!


A few guidelines for Artists:
   - The phrases 'Happy New Year" & "New Year's" are off limits.
   - No Holiday designs.
   - No cream tees.

PLEASE, please, please email your art file!


Read more about the next 2 Derby themes here: So Fresh and So Clean! & Artist's Choice!
