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Derby #71: Thrift

Hey, this Derby's over. When you're finished reliving past glories, check out what's going on in the Derby right now. It's probably even cooler. Or at least newer.

People are reacting to the current economic crisis in one of three ways. Some are cutting back their discretionary spending and socking a little more away in case of disaster. Some are breathing a sigh of relief that the recession hasn't hit them, and going on about their free-spending ways as usual. And some are exploring exciting new career fields like copper-pipe salvage, apple sales, and begging. This week, as America is encouraged to spend for the sake of God and country, we're looking for your screenprinted take on the new cheapness, the skinflint spirit that has seized our nation like an ill-fitting thrift-store trouser. We figure, if you're a Woot shopper, this is a subject you know a thing or two about.

Text is permitted. Use it freely, but wisely.
