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Derby #109: School

Hey, this Derby's over. When you're finished reliving past glories, check out what's going on in the Derby right now. It's probably even cooler. Or at least newer.

We've all been there. Some of us are still there. And some of us are sending our own kids there right about this time. The start of the school year and the launch of Kids.Woot have us reminiscing about our own pupil days. Backpacks, yellow buses, mystery meat, gym shorts, in-crowds, lockers, blackboards, report cards, kickball, pencil sharpeners, microscopes, detention, and whatever it is a Vice-Principal does: that's school. Whether your memories are fuzzy and nostalgic or hairy and traumatic, put them on a t-shirt this week.

Incidental text is permitted.

If we don't have your print-ready art by 8AM Central Time on Thursday, your Derby entry will have to be rejected. We'd rather you just submit the artwork with the original Derby submission. But if you absolutely have to email it, send it to
