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Derby #146: Eyewitness History

Hey, this Derby's over. When you're finished reliving past glories, check out what's going on in the Derby right now. It's probably even cooler. Or at least newer.

History's written by the victors, and they tend to only choose the most flattering images. The thing is, historical events often happen on a large scale, and lots more people are usually milling around than just the decorated general in the painting. So for this week's derby, show us the whole picture: Was there someone trying to catch up to George Washington's boat as it crossed the Delaware? Was somebody filling a cup at the Boston Tea Party? Did someone forget to explain how a firearm works to Alexander Hamilton? Those are all American examples, but yours doesn't have to be. Think, "historical events, but five feet away." Show us what the OTHER people were doing while all that significant crap was happening. Now for the rules:

Incidental text only. If we need to see the Declaration of Independence in the background for context, fine. But no dialogue or signs.

No video games. Your Super Mario Bros. 3 high score is not historic.

No Star Wars.

No bunnies. We give you guys an inch...

No bananas. A totally random rule from a totally random Woot staffer totally randomly-named Pilot.
