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Derby #158: Physics

Hey, this Derby's over. When you're finished reliving past glories, check out what's going on in the Derby right now. It's probably even cooler. Or at least newer.

The natural world's a pretty incredible place. There are things like oceans, mountains, planets, stars, and black holes; and they're all moving to an unseen rhythm: electromagnetism, gravity, fusion, and all kinds of other mind-boggling physical forces. When you think about it, it's a miracle we're able just to make into work without spontaneously combusting. So for this Derby pay homage to the forces that shape our universe. Of course even physics has laws, so we've got some rules for you to follow:

No Star Wars.

No text.

No video games.

No bunnies.

No hamsters.
A totally random rule from a totally random Woot staffer totally randomly-named Stephanie.
