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Derby #29: Trompe L'Oeil

Hey, this Derby's over. When you're finished reliving past glories, check out what's going on in the Derby right now. It's probably even cooler. Or at least newer.

It's French for "trick the eye", and it's the name for a hyper-realistic style of painting wherein the artist plays with perspective, shadow, and texture to make you think a painting is something else. When it comes to t-shirts, the best-known example is the venerable tuxedo shirt. We've also seen shirts adorned with bare breasts and  fake knit designs. Now it's your turn: your shirt should fool us into believing something about itself or its wearer that isn't true, whether it's that the person's been shot, that they've got a tattoo, or that the shirt is made of bricks. Don't just show us a picture of something - turn the shirt into the thing itself.

But as usual, submit nothing that's been done before: no tuxedo shirts, no illusory neckties, no gaudy faux-sweaters, no bare breasts. And we're going to allow text, but only in the service of making your design more realistic (as in nametags or tattoos, for instance). We're not looking for any kinds of slogan shirts, and we will ruthlessly eliminate them.

Finally, we still reserve the right to reject anything we deem afoul of our rules. You don't like our decisions, go start your own t-shirt competition and you can reject any designs we submit, OK?
