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Derby #97: BBQ

Hey, this Derby's over. When you're finished reliving past glories, check out what's going on in the Derby right now. It's probably even cooler. Or at least newer.

What is it about cooking outdoors that makes everything taste so much better? An open fire under an open sky, the tang of the smoke permeating your clothes, the crunchy surprise of a wayward insect - no wonder this is one of the few habits we've kept from caveman days. This week, let's BBQ.

And by BBQ we mean all forms of recreational outdoor summertime cooking, including weenie roasts, shrimp on the barbie, S'mores, luaus, all of it. Explore the culture of BBQ. Investigate the regional variations of BBQ. Hypothesize about how zombies or Vikings would BBQ. Design something you'd wear while preparing or eating BBQ. Promote your favorite imaginary BBQ place. Have it your way, as long as it's about cooking outdoors for fun and nourishment.

Incidental text is allowed. Text on a BBQ sauce label or a map of BBQ styles is fine. A shirt that just says something like "What Are You Roasting Under There?" is not.
